⸻⸻⸻    ⚜    ⸻⸻⸻







  IN THE VAST EXPANSE   where darkness reigns, a tapestry of wonder, where wisdom remains. Oh, what mysteries dwell beyond, in   realms where the stars belong.  

© Vaisravana. Carrd by Atelier Yao. All Rights Reserved.

Out of Character

   Rules, Boundaries & more   ⸻⸻⸻⸻  ⚜

   Rules, Boundaries & more     ⚜


  • DM or /tell me at any point - I don't bite at all! (I promise)

  • Impromptu RP with me at any point in any event (so long as my RP tag is on!)


  • Avoid pestering me for responses, but bumps are okay!

  • Don't pressure me to share any codes - I have every right to refuse sharing it.


  • If you are Anti-LGBTQ+ or Racist, I don't want any conflict with you.

  • Wanting to write smut with Morrigan? I'm afraid, you will not find any here.


   About the Writer     ⚜

  •   AGE     Twenty Plus

  •   PRONOUNS     She/Her

  •   TIMEZONE     GMT, UK

  •   CONTACT     Discord: vaisravana

  •   ACTIVITY     Slow replies

  HI, I'M VAISRAVANA!   I enjoy writing in my spare time, playing games or otherwise taking it easy rambling about OCs, ideas and so much more. Though I may not always be online and consistent with my time due to work and life, I absolutely ENJOY roleplay.I've been writing for quite some time now - But only started to get into writing in Final Fantasy XIV recently in the past year. I have a lot of OCs, though my main is Morrigan Frel which you see here!I often use her in the world of Hydaelyn but every now and then I enjoy branching her out into different kinds of media. From the gotchic world of Castlevania, to the concrete jungle of lights and glamour that is Night City in an era of Cyberpunk. Don't be afraid to DM me outside of RP for discussions!


  BEFORE I GET INTO THIS,   I want to make it clear that I'm on   UK, GMT 0 timezone!   So chances are you might be interacting with me when I'm up late at night - please forgive my tired replies during that time! I try to be as active as I can on Final Fantasy XIV, especially with my Free Company, the Roundtable and interactions outside of that. If you wish to contact me at all, reach out to me on Discord:   vaisravanaaa.  


  IT HAS BEEN SOME TIME   since I've last done roleplay on FFXIV. I often write on Discord most of the time, so I apologise in advance if my writing or formatting is something different. In short, I'm still rather new. I openly welcome some advice when writing or general roleplay in Final Fantasy XIV.   All I ask is for your patience   and maybe even guidance to point me in the right direction. If you wish for a code, send a   tell   first.


  REGARDING HOW MUCH I CAN WRITE,   I do my best to match your writing but at most, I try to do between   two to three separate messages.   Morrigan's story is still coming into fruition, so backstory is still rather loose for the moment to work with. If you wish to plan an interact beforehand, or ask me about my character, send me a   /tell   and I'll be happy to figure something out with you.


  IF YOU SPOT ME   in roleplay hubs or just in general and would look to interact with Morrigan even though I don't have a RP Tag on, feel free to approach me with a   /tell   and given if the mood takes me, I'd be happy for a quick and sporadic interaction. Who knows, maybe we'll interact again in future!   I'm always open to write,   though I very much prefer Discord!

RULE 005. Limits & Graphic Content

  WHILE I UNDERSTAND   dark themes can crop up in the world of FFXIV,   I want to avoid   anything taboo and graphic regarding bodily harm, sexual assault, transphobia, homophobia, human trafficking and any others along those lines. Horror written in a graphic manner is out of the question. Morrigan is a doctor so she would be familiar with it - I do not want anything close to body horror.


  DUE TO THE NATURE   of how tired I can be late at night or anything beyond the hours I'm used to (I have a terrible sleep schedule ), I can usually sustain energy and attention for about three or so hours. Anything past that can be a strain for me mentally. Sometimes, it might be shorter especially late at night, so   I ask for your patience   when speaking with me at any time!

Morrigan Frel

   Core Information   ⸻⸻  ⚜

  •   TITLE(S):     The Cleric, The Afflatus Archon

  •   AGE:     One Hundred and Seven years old

  •   PRONOUNS:     She/Her

  •   SPECIES:     Viera, Rava

  •   BIRTHDATE:     Twelfth of December

  •   SEXUALITY:     Bisexual

  •   ORIGIN:     Old Sharlayan

  •   LOCATION:     Gridania, Lavender Beds

  •   CLASS(ES):     White Mage, Thaumaturge, Sage

  •   ALIGNMENT:     Neutral Good

  •   DEITY:     Oschon, Thaliak

  MORRIGAN FREL,   an Archon of Old Sharlayan, embodies a unique convergence of intellect and compassion. A fairly known figure in the field of medicine and aetherology, her unyielding pursuit of knowledge is matched only by her resolute dedication to curing the ails of her patients and saving lives. Yet despite her unassuming and professional demeanour, Morrigan is scarred by aether from the inside out. It burns as a glowing scar against her chest, a mark of her self-experimentation in an effort to find answers.

  FOR WITHIN THE STARS,   knowledge abounds, a celestial symphony, where wisdom resounds.

   Features   ⸻⸻⸻  ⚜

  •   HEIGHT:     Six Foot

  •   WEIGHT:     Seventy Kilos

  •   BUILD:     Bright Blue

  •   EYES:     Bright Blue

  •   HAIR:     Raven Black

  •   SCARS:     Burn scars, Arm

  •   LANGUAGES:     Speaks four

  •   ETHICITY:     Sharlayan

  •   PARENTS:     Irene & Ordofnir

  •   SIBLINGS:     None; Only child

  •   PARTNER(S):     Yoru Alvarez

  •   VOICECLAIM:     Queen Sonia, TOTK

  DESPITE HAVING   a rather tall and imposing appearance, Morrigan wears a warm smile and very much approachable. she's often dressed in tones of black and white, preferring robes, dresses and skirts. though rarely, she might liken herself to some leather for horseriding. sometimes, one might even spot her glowing scar branded against her chest should she wear something outside of her usual garb.

   Special Job: Grey Mage     ⚜

  UTILISING THE DISCIPLINES   of both Black and White magic, Morrigan has taken lessons from both jobs to forge her own style of magic. She did not take lessons from the Thaumaturges of Ul'dah nor the Conjurers of Gridania and was instead taught a more Sharlayan twist of casting. As a result, she weaves the power of umbral and astral elements together, allowing her role to be flexible between a healer and a caster. But unlike the two classes she's merged, she's learned to heal with umbral and bring destructive force with astral, eventually forging her own school of magic in between: Twilight.As of now, she's currently delving into research regarding the Void to better understand the power Black Mages draw their power from. Her self-experimentation towards 'Twilight' magic has led her to dangerous attempts to her life in her pursuit of knowledge, leading to the aetherical damage on her right arm which cannot cast magic without an arcane focus. But even then, her high price has granted her the reward of creating powerful shields stemmed from the twin powers of astral and umbral.


   Personality     ⚜

  DESPITE   her altruistic intentions, Morrigan harbors a dark secret hidden beneath her benevolent facade. few are aware of her clandestine research and forbidden magics, a pursuit born from a desire for power to protect her allies and a thirst for unravelling knowledge and truths.

   Strengths     ⚜


  •   PATIENT    

  •   SHREWD    

  •   POLITE    


  •   PROTECTIVE    

  EMBODYING   the essence of a maternal figure to most or few, Morrigan is a trustworthy and loyal ally, unwavering in her own beliefs and traditions, as well as fiercely protective of her companions.

   Weaknesses     ⚜

  •   CAUTIOUS    

  •   SLOW TO CHANGE    



  •   SLOW TO TRUST    

  •   HESITANT    

  LONGEVITY    is both a blessing and a curse in the eyes of many Viera and Morrigan is no different. In her long life, she has thrived and grew in strength. Yet sometimes, old haunts still follow her everywhere she goes.

   Flaws     ⚜

  •   SECRETIVE    

  •   PRIDEFUL    



  •   OUTSPOKEN    

  •   COLD CALM    

  DESPITE   her easy smile and outgoing charm, the Cleric hides a veil of secrets and unseen scars of the past. She always keeps some cards up her sleeves - and when provoked, she becomes unpredictable.

   Likes     ⚜


  •   BLUE ROSES    

  •   COOKING    

  •   ART AND CRAFTS    

  •   READING    

  FROM SWEET TREATS   to the comforts of home with a book and a fireplace, morrigan is a woman of simple pleasures. she enjoys painting, gardening and even playing the lute. cooking with others is a favourite past time to bond with others.

   Dislikes     ⚜


  •   SPICY FOOD    


  •   LOUD NOISES    

  •   MESSY SPACES    

  THOUGH IT TAKES   an impressive effort to disappoint her, she is not fond of those who continuously tests her patience knowingly. Despite her discomfort, Morrigan prefers to avoid confrontation at all costs - But a saying goes to never provoke "the healer."

   HOBBIES     ⚜





  •   SLEEPING... A LOT    

  MORRIGAN HAS LIVED   beyond the years of an average person, like many other Vieras like herself. When she's not travelling or exploring, she has accustomed herself to more quiet past times, some of which she has kept close even after so many years.


   Gear & Items   ⸻⸻⸻  ⚜

  •   MAIN HAND:     Exarchic Staff

  •   HEAD:     White Ribbon

  •   BODY:     Cleric's Tunic

  •   HANDS:     One Handed Glove

  •   LEFT HAND:     Eternity Ring

  •   LEGS:     Edenmorn Skirt

  •   FEET:     Type B Boots

  •   INVENTORY   Journal & Pen

  •   INVENTORY   Healer's Kit

  •   INVENTORY   Suppressants

  •   INVENTORY   Glamour Prisms

  •   INVENTORY   Linkshell Earpiece

  •   INVENTORY   Bundle of Ribbons

  •   INVENTORY   Maps of Eorzea

  •   INVENTORY   Sticky Notes

  •   INVENTORY   Hand Mirror

  •   INVENTORY   Spell Scrolls

  •   INVENTORY   Aether Crystals

  •   INVENTORY   Dead Bugs...?


   Stats & Proficiencies   ⸻⸻  ⚜

  •   HEALTH     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  •   PERCEPTION     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  •   STRENGTH     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  •   DEXTERITY     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  •   ENERGY     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  •   COMMUNICATION     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  •   PERSUASIAN     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  •   MEDITATION     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  •   LITERACY     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  •   STYLE     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  •   COMBAT     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  •   RESEARCH     ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰

  HER FLEXIBILITY   is one of her many qualities; being able to switch between astral and umbral elements to suit the needs of the party. Regarding composition she can shift her role between a support, a healer or a powerful mage that pour devestation unto her foes with meticilous thought and care. Though she is not a physically strong woman, most of her strength lies in her long years of research and expertise in Aetherology, Medicine and having a rather uncanny seventh sense on where information could be found should she seek it. Having taught in the Studium, tended to the flora and fauna of St. Mocainne's Arboteum in Idyllshire and fought hard as a combat medic in the Dragonsong War, her experience of knowledge is well-respected amongst her peers. Yet a close few turn to Morrigan for her thoughts and insights, having lived through the many lessons life has taught her.


  BORN AND RAISED   in Old Sharlayan, Morrigan was brought up by a Viera couple who lived there, Irene and Ordofnir Frel. Her father was once a wood-warder and a captive of Garlemald who was then rescued by her mother and was given shelter in Old Sharlayan. On the condition that he would become a Gleaner, he soon married her and spent most of his time raising his only daughter while his wife worked tirelessly as a Librarian in the Noumenon.Influenced by her mother's aptitude of books and scholarly work, she fulfilled the Sharlayan tradition of applying to the Studium. Determined to one day earn her mark, she studied tirelessly to meet the expectations of her mother. Ordofnir on the other hand, eased her many tasks with tales and stories of the things he's seen in his travels. He even taught her a few languages which he picked up, eventually making his young daughter a rather impressive linguist.Morrigan's relationship with her mother began to strain after she received her mark. In a form of rebellion and scramble for freedom, she joined the Idyllshire Colony established in Dravania. She was shunned from her family then, left to fend for herself in an unfamiliar land. Her only form of contact then was concealed letters from her father, who continued to encourage and support her unbeknownst to his wife.At the height of the Dragonsong War and accepting the contract for assistance, word reached her family soon enough. Rumours of a few Sharlayans joining the fray to protect Ishgard was soon to be revealed many names, Morrigan's being one of them. Enraged by her daughter's negligence of the Sharlayan code of never siding in a war, their relationship was irreparable. (wip...)


Studium Life  DURING   her early years, like any other Sharlayan of her age, spent most of her time studying at the Studium. Most subjects of interest to her was mainly focused on medicine, botany, alchemy and aetherology.
Idyllshire Colony  AGAINST   her mother's wishes, Morrigan joined the Idyllshire colony located in Dravania. She mainly worked in Saint Mocianne's Arboretum, tending to the wildlife there as a botanist. Once an archon, she continues her work as a sage.
Dragonsong War  WHEN CALLED   for assistance for a help on the field, Morrigan was one of the few who stepped forward to answer the call of the temple knights. Eventually, she became a combat medic for the Holy See, despite never stepping into Ishgard.
Sharlayan Professor  ONCE THE   Dragonsong War has met its end, she was no longer needed as a healer and has served her contract. Since then, she returns to Old Sharlayan and spends some time as a professor between Idyllshire and the Studium.
The Round Table  RECEIVING   a letter from an old comrade, Morrigan was scouted by the leader of the newly-formed Round Table, led by a familiar name - Conrad. A knight of honour in Ishgard who served in the war and whom she has worked with consistently.

Healing Verses

   Medicine for the soul   ⸻⸻  ⚜

  IN TWILIGHT'S HUSH,   the night unfolds, a tale of new worlds yet untold. o constellations guide our souls. of the brave, the lost and pure-hearted.

Verse 001.

   The TRAVELLER   ⸻⸺  ⚜

  MORRIGAN   in the far future has lived her life to the fullest. Her family was now gone and only she stands in the wake of time's cruel fate. For a time, she returned to   Old Sharlayan   to teach at the Studium, watching lives of promising students flit between decades and centuries until one day,   she met an old friend.   An old classmate who once worked with her during her early days as a student.Eventually, she left her life in Old Sharlayan once more, joining her on a voyage to assist on her research as a travelling companion and a party member. After all, it doesn't hurt to have a   doctor   with you when you cross the lands and seas to see more of the world.

Verse 002.

   The Frenzied   ⸻⸺  ⚜

  DRIVEN MAD   with grief, unable to accept the laws of life and death, Morrigan seeks to go   beyond her mortal limits  , her research into Umbral aether slowly driving her into madness. Dedicating her notion of bloodletting and chaos in the name of   Menphina   and love of her family, her hysteria and delusions steadily drives her to do the unthinkable. Rituals of dark intent, whispers of the Void in a desperate attempt to control time itself.  Her insanity as a result,   has forced those around her to take matters into their own hands. Unable to let a madwoman sully the one that was once Morrigan, they were forced to make amends to stop her. Children hunting a mother, a father hunting a daughter. Oh, to what sweet end will this stale end?

Verse 003.

   The Wanderer   ⸻⸺  ⚜

  HAVING LIVED   her fulfilling life with her family and outliving many of her friends and family, Morrigan suddenly left her life of comfort and decided to travel across the world alone.For a time, she was aimless, wandering between   cities   and   harbours   figuring out where the winds will take her next or what meal to have the next day. Coin was never an issue, as her wealth grew in her many years of existence.Not much   entertains   her any further than the quiet company of books, painting and seeing the world one last time before one day finally leaving the world in peace - On her own terms.

Verse 004.

   A Family's Wiles   ⸻⸺  ⚜

  IN A WORLD   of supernatural mysteries and political intrigue in the heart of a modern Eorzea, an   underground crime family   make their move in surviving a cruel underbelly of cruelty and violence. Now a retired combat medic in the military, Morrigan serves the Round Table as its Consigliere beside the Don, Conrad. Known for her loyalty and swiftly silencing the advancements of her enemies, she   holds her duty with high regard   and ensures the safety of its family members.When she's not strategizing or fighting tooth and nail in shaded alleys, she carries a façade of a normal citizen working in a rather quiet and quaint bar alongside some of the other members, going by the name of "Selene" to keep her real identity from the scrutinizing eyes of higher authorities who seek to quell the violence between these crime families.

Verse 005.

   Apprentice of the Stars   ⸻⸺  ⚜

  HIGH IN THE SNOWY PEAKS   of Targon in Runeterra, a Vastaya thrives under the guidance of the Ottrani. Though she does not look like them, Morrigan lives, speaks and breathes their very culture having been raised among them and is beloved by her found family members.   Though not bound by blood,   her upbringing amongst her adoptive brothers and sisters are closer than most.When time allows, she would often wander the lands, gathering herbs and spices to grow within the Astral Grove in an effort to bring medicinal knowledge to the endless war between the Lunari and Solari.

Verse 006.

   The Matron of Abyss   ⸻⸺  ⚜

  WITHIN THE BOUNDS   of a great Empire to the East where the sun meets the sea, Whitecliff stands as its heart and pride as a city dedicated to magic. For a time, it was   guarded by its warden,   a Matron of House Frel who served the Empress during the War - Until she sullied the name of her House as "the Mad Sorcerer." Morrigan led a rebellion against her own Mother and was forced to atone for the sins of the late Matron.In a struggle against the Abyss and Imperial politics,   she leads a covert elite military force of her own making,   constantly working against the aftereffects of the Abyss behind closed doors to protect her people from its effects - And perhaps even the entire Empire.

Everlasting Bonds

   Timeless & Unbreakable   ⸻⸻⸻⸻  ⚜

   Timeless & Unbreakable     ⚜

  MUST BE 2 LINES   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed dapibus mauris, a convallis risus. Nullam a ipsum tristique, dictum quam quis.

Yoru Alvarez


  HAVING RESCUED HIM   from the throes of war, it was through him did she begin her descent to a covert and shadowed form of research into Voidsent and the wish to unravel the hidden truths behind the power of the umbral elements. Curious and eager to learn more about his unstable condition, she has kept this secret under wraps to avoid questions from her peers - And by an extent, to protect his true nature.Morrigan is fiercely loyal to him and will protect him at all costs, standing often as his voice when needed. She is one of the few people who can stabilise his unpredictable condition.



  DO NOT GO PAST IMAGE   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed dapibus mauris, a convallis risus. Nullam a ipsum tristique, dictum quam quis, posuere elit. In gravida tempor maximus. Morbi eu cursus tortor. Sed lacinia, turpis eget volutpat ullamcorper, libero nisl mattis arcu, quis pulvinar magna leo eget lorem. Sed lobortis justo justo, fermentum venenatis diam varius nec. Nunc at imperdiet eros.


  "BROTHER," MENTOR  ⸻⸻  ⚜

  SARCASTIC, WITTY AND LOVED   fondly by Morrigan, she met the hot-headed mi'qote in Ul'dah seeking a mentor to teach her the skills to understand Umbral elements and its aether for her thesis - However after a sour encounter with the Thaumaturge's Guild, she sought to find a teacher elsewhere who would better respect her time.Having overheard the conflict, he offered to teach her when he met her again at the Quicksands. Sharing some banter and frustration with Guilds and their systems, they soon became close friends - With Morrigan seeing him as her own brother.



  HAVING STUDIED   and graduated from the same class within the Studium, the pair initially was not close friends during their years as students. Yet a fateful meeting within the Noumenon as Archons started an old yet stronger bond of friendship forged between the pair.In the years that follow, long after her time with the Round Table, Morrigan joined her in her quest to travel across the seas and the lands for her research. Though to her, it was a way for her to seek new opportunities in the next phase of her long, long life.

Conrad Aznable


  BOTH PEERS WITHIN   the ranks of the esteemed organization that is the Round Table, they tirelessly collaborate to uphold oversee the affairs of the realm together side by side in the newly forged Free Company. After having invited her many years after their comradery in the Dragonsong War, Morrigan was pleasant to see a familiar face once more and graciously accepted his offer in hopes of a better future.Their bond is forged in mutual respect, each holding the other's abilities in the highest esteem. Once comrades in the face of war, now close companions as Cleric and Captain of the Round Table.

First Last

  TITLE, TITLE  ⸻⸻  ⚜

  DO NOT GO PAST IMAGE   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed dapibus mauris, a convallis risus. Nullam a ipsum tristique, dictum quam quis, posuere elit. In gravida tempor maximus. Morbi eu cursus tortor. Sed lacinia, turpis eget volutpat ullamcorper, libero nisl mattis arcu, quis pulvinar magna leo eget lorem. Sed lobortis justo justo, fermentum venenatis diam varius nec. Nunc at imperdiet eros.